Awareness and First Aid

Get an insider's look at the process and care provided by ER24's Campus Services when you make that critical call.

In times of crisis, making that critical call for emergency help can be a daunting experience. It's important to know what to expect when you reach out to a service like ER24's Campus Services.

When you find yourself facing a medical or trauma emergency, rest assured you are in safe hands with ER24. Here's what happens.

1. Call ER24

Dial 010 205 3057 to reach ER24's Campus Services emergency line.

2. Select the appropriate option

Choose the option that best describes the nature of your emergency. This helps ER24 understand the situation quickly and accurately.

3. Confirmation of emergency contact details

An ER24 Contact Centre agent will ask you to confirm several details, including the name of your campus or institution, the specific location or site where the incident is taking place, and your contact information to enable ER24 to reach you. Describe the incident or medical issue in detail, so the emergency team can prepare accordingly.

4. Medical details evaluation

Share the age and gender of the patient in need of assistance and describe the medical or trauma condition as accurately as possible. If you know any relevant medical history, it will help to ensure the best possible care.

5. Telephonic pre-arrival medical instructions

In some cases, the ER24 team may provide telephonic pre-arrival medical instructions to assist the patient until the ambulance arrives. This is especially important in critical situations.

6. Analysis and appropriate response

The ER24 team analyses the information you provide to determine the appropriate response. Depending on the severity and nature of the incident, the necessary resources are dispatched promptly. If the situation requires additional services such as the South African Police Services or the fire brigade, they will also be contacted.

7. Confirmation via SMS

After your call, you’ll receive an SMS from ER24’s Emergency Contact Centre containing a reference number. This helps track the progress of your request and provides you with essential information.

8. Ambulance arrival and patient care

An ER24 ambulance will arrive at the scene to provide medical care to the patient. The highly trained medical personnel will assess the situation, stabilise the patient, and initiate necessary procedures.

9. Patient evacuation

Following initial treatment, the patient will be evacuated to the closest and most appropriate medical facility. Depending on the situation, this may be a private hospital or a provincial medical centre.

10. Handover to trained medical staff

On arrival at the medical facility, the patient is handed over to trained medical staff who will continue providing the required care and treatment.

For real help, real fast, call ER24 at 084 124. To learn more about ER24's Campus Services, including trauma counselling and support, visit our website at ER24 Campus Services.